Autumn Inspiration
“Autumn is the second spring
when every leaf is a flower.”
-Albert Camus
Autumn Inspiration
“Autumn is the second spring
when every leaf is a flower.”
-Albert Camus
Autumn Inspiration: Part Deux The weather has turned little chilly, I think that calls for a little more autumn inspiration…
20 Fabulous Thanksgiving Table Settings Decorating by Season, is one of my favorite categories at my blog. And that’s why it represents my character a lot! I’m getting inspired by seasonal changes and holidays and I relate with them by adding seasonal decoration details in my home. I give you 20 fabulous ideas for setting […]
DIY – Leaf Pressings Wall Art To preserve the beauty of colorful fall foliage, press leaves between books. When fully dry, display leaves between two pieces of same-sized glass. Secure the pieces of glass together by wrapping the edges with colored, linen book cloth tape. DIY – Leaf Pressings Wall Art
Everything Has Beauty Get inspired by everything and feel the beauty. Have a beautiful week!
10 Wonderful Fall Theme Paintings Update your decor for the fall months by sprucing up your walls with artwork that can change with the seasons. I selected for you, from , 10 beautiful fall theme paintings, to get the inspiration you need for your fall decoration! Fall Painting Modern Palette Knife Impasto Birch Trees […]