Everything Has Beauty
Get inspired by everything and feel the beauty.
Have a beautiful week!
Everything Has Beauty
Get inspired by everything and feel the beauty.
Have a beautiful week!
Young Generation Inspiration I get quite often from friends in my mail box, e-mails with pictures and comments which are trying to reduce the intelligence and the activities of the younger generation. For example by showing photos with groups of children who all speak at their mobiles. Or compare older people anachronistic activities with our […]
Autumn Inspiration “Autumn is the second spring when every leaf is a flower.” -Albert Camus Keep Calm and Love Autumn
Romantic Couples in History Do you believe in true love? Do you believe in love lasting forever? I think that these love stories will renew or reinforce your faith in love. They are the most famous love stories in history and literature, they are immortal. Learn about famous couples in history to give your romance […]
Winter Season “Baby it’s cold outside…” Here are some beautiful pictures to inspire you for the winter season… Winter Outdoors Indoors In fashion Be inspired by seasonal quotes and share them with your friends. Try to be like the nature. Use the colors of the season. Travelling Mountain and lake destinations are ideal for this […]
Icons and inspiration. I don’t think any further explanation is necessary.Bon weekend!New YorkMies van der RoheGuggenheimPaul NewmanAudrey HepburnErnest Hemingway Robert Redford by Ron GalellaAlain DelonLauren BacallClark GablePablo PicassoCatherine DeneuveKayne WestGary CooperHolly GolightlyJean Michel BasquiatYves Saint LaurentMick Jagger and Keith RichardsTruman CapoteSteve McQueenRobert Wagner and Natalie WoodRyan GoslingAndy WarholMarlon BrandoPhilip Johnson at The Four SeasonsMichael CaineC.Z. […]