Autumn Inspiration: Part Deux
The weather has turned little chilly, I think that calls for a little more autumn inspiration…
Autumn Inspiration: Part Deux
The weather has turned little chilly, I think that calls for a little more autumn inspiration…
DIΥ – Bird Silhouettes and Text Collage Wall Art Make your own bird wall art with printed bird silhouettes and a textual collage for the background. This wall art craft project shows you how to create wall decor with the look of pricier designer pieces. Materials: • Two Canvases • Black Permanent Marker and Pencil […]
14 Brilliant Upcycling Home Projects To many, recycling is a way of life. I cannot think of throwing away something that can be recycled and transformed into something useful and beautiful. What could happen if over and above soft drink cans or useless paper we decide to recycle bigger objects? Small miracles! As you will […]
Great tips! Now that we are removing our festive decorations, we may feel our sitting room a bit empty. This should not depress us but rather make us see this as a unique opportunity to renovate our space. I can suggest some clever tips which will help you bring a refreshing, winter attitude to your […]